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Innovative Aftermarket ProgramsWe realize that not every customer is able to decide on extending their warranties during their product purchase. Monthly Warranty's unique aftermarket process complements its choice of monthly, yearly, 3-year or 5-year pay plans to help your customers get the product protection they need. At the heart of the program is the capability for your customers to buy their warranty online at www.monthlywarranty.com by using a retailer referral code given to them at the store. Retailers get full credit for the sale, just like it was sold at the store, and customers get to buy their warranty from the comfort of their home. And during their manufacturer warranty period, we can implement a customized follow-up program with no upfront costs to you. Monthly Warranty™ manages customized sequential aftermarket programs without upfront costs to retailers:
Monthly Warranty™ adds innovative capabilities to customized aftermarket programs:
What better way to give choices to your customers to protect their products. Monthly Warranty's aftermarket programs offer a choice of plans and price points for every budget, so retailers' customers can easily extend their warranty during their manufacturer warranty period.